Thursday 25 February 2016

Years 3 & 4: Georgia O'Keeffe Supermix Flowers

This week Years 3 and 4 completed beautiful flower drawings using Supermix pastels which are extra "creamy" and great to use for blending colours. We talked about Georgia O'Keeffe's artwork and her life as one of the first women who chose to be an artist. This student work can be viewed in the Main Building corridor.

Saturday 20 February 2016

Prep & P/1C: Making Marks - Fine Motor Skills

In Week 2 Prep and P/1C grades had fun with oil pastels and experimented drawing a variety of marks using different parts of the pastel and a range of motions on the paper. They enjoyed naming the marks based on how each one looked, I.e. lightning, butterfly, snail, etc.

Prep & P/1C: Colour for Curlews

This week I introduced Preps and P/1C to primary and secondary colours by reading Colour for Curlews. They also enjoyed drawing on scratch film paper with a wooden stylus to reveal the rainbow colours underneath! This term in the classroom one theme is Me and My Family, so they drew with this in mind.

Beautiful Oops

I read the book Beautiful Oops! by Barney Salzberg to Prep, Year 1 and 2 students. It's a fantastic book about moving past "mistakes" in art. "When you think you've made a mistake, think of it as an opportunity to make something beautiful." I gave Prep students paper with a shape already drawn on it and a folded corner as starting points. Year 1 students had a torn paper with a smear of black pastel on it, and the year 2s started with a splash of paint and a hole in their paper...They created wonderfully imaginative pictures! "Beautiful Oops" is now a part of our everyday visual arts language. I have spoken with all grades about the principle of Beautiful Oops. My intent is for students to have fun, take risks and become fearless with their art.  

Years 3 & 4: Winslow Homer Sunsets

Years 3 and 4 drew beautiful chalk pastel sunsets after viewing paintings by American painter, Winslow Homer.

Welcome to KPS Visual Arts 2016

To assist in my learning all 340 student names at Kerrimuir Primary School, in the first week of term all grades decorated art room table name cards using a variety of drawing materials. This term our learning focus will be on drawing and collage. We're also off to a great start creating fabulous artworks! Pictured here are year 5 and 6 Picasso-inspired abstract cubism portraits created with water-soluble pastels.