Saturday 28 May 2016

Prep & P/1C Colour Train

After listening to The Cat, the Mouse and the Runaway Train students painted their train engine using primary colour acrylic paint. They also painted a separate food dye wash background paper with white pastel resist lines. To finish their project students cut out their trains and glued these onto the background.

Saturday 21 May 2016

Years 5 & 6 Matchstick Tower with a Colour Theme

Students chose a colour theme for their tower: either primary, secondary, warm, cool or complementary colours. These were built using coloured matchsticks and Supertac glue.

Prep & Prep/1C Colour Wheel Flower

We reviewed primary and secondary colours and students drew concentric circles and petals before painting their flower with tempera paint. The following week students used small brushes and black acrylic paint to outline their colour wheel flower.

Year 1 Near and Far Houses

Students learned about perspective and drew near and far houses with a horizon line. Next they painted their picture with primary and secondary tempera paint colours.

Year 4 Table Design Construction Challenge

Students worked in groups to design a table using newspaper and masking tape. The challenge was to build the strongest table. Morgan, Elka and Alice's table was the strongest and held 33 books PLUS a stool!

Year 2 String Runner Toy Construction

Students listened to a fun book called Splat the Cat. They chose a character from the book or made up their own and drew this on cardboard, coloured it in and cut it out. Next, they constructed a string runner toy using string, two plastic beads, a plastic drinking straw, a 5 cent coin as a weight, scissors and sticky tape.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Years 3 & 4 Value Sampler Painting

Students experimented painting from light to dark using tempera paints.

Years 5 & 6: Multicultural Art - Mexican Sugar Skulls with Marigolds

Year 5 and 6 students loved this project - drawing and construction based on Mexican traditions!

Saturday 7 May 2016

Year 2 Abstract Cubism Bird

The Cubism Bird process: After a discussion about abstract/cubism painting, Year 2 students drew a cubism bird or animal with oil pastel and then painted it using the double-loading technique with white and either two warm or two cool colours, blending to see how many tints they could make on their bird. In week 2 they drew white pastel lines on a background paper and painted a warm or cool colour wash on top. The following week students cut out their bird and glued it onto their background, also adding straight lines on the bird's body. Now on show in the Main Building corridor.

Friday 6 May 2016

Years 3 & 4 Autumn Leaves

The Autumn Leaves process: Students drew leaves and painted these with tempera paint in warm colours, and the background in cool colours. They experimented by putting salt and rubbing alcohol on the wet paint to achieve interesting effects. Lastly, fine outlines were painted in acrylic.

Prep & Prep/1 C Fine Motor Skills: Multi Media Shapes Picture

First we discussed primary and secondary colours and looked at a short Colour Wheel video. Students outlined their shapes with oil pastel and painted these with primary colour acrylic. The following week, a secondary colour wash was added to the background. Lastly students outlined their shapes again with oil pastel. We discussed how the shapes were not painted perfectly, and that this is okay and that sometimes happens in art. This provided an easy introduction to abstract art and we looked at the book I Spy Two Eyes and compared abstract art to "real life" art.

Year 5 & 6 Construction Design Challenge

Students worked in groups with a time limit using 15 of each recycled item - large cardboard tubes, cardboard boxes and wooden slats - to create whatever structure they could imagine and plan together! Rafts and castles were among the created structures.

Year 1 Fantastic Frogs

The Fantastic Frog process: First we read a book together about the life-cycle of frogs. Students then followed a directed line drawing lesson using oil pastels. Lastly, they painted their picture with a food dye wash and named their frog. You can view some of these frogs this term in the library!

Years 1 & 2: Musical Inventions

In conjunction with their classroom theme this term, Musical Inventions, students constructed their own instrument, and thoroughly enjoyed the process. First we discussed types of instruments: percussion, string and wind. Students designed their instrument and gave it a unique name. We shared these at the end of the session and students also explained how to play their instrument. Some instruments were very versatile with percussion, string and wind capabilities. Brilliant! Year 2 students also wrote an Artist Statement about their instrument.

Years 3 & 4 Newspaper Construction Challenge

Students loved this challenge...working with a partner what is the tallest free-standing tower you can build using 6 sheets of newspaper, masking tape and string?