Tuesday 23 August 2016

Prep & Year 1 Magiclay Toothpots

Magiclay is a type of smooth, white modelling clay made of paper. It is easily molded by little fingers and looks a bit like marshmallow. Students made their toothpot and then painted it with pearl acrylic paint the following week. They were very excited about having this very handy pot on their bedside table to hold a tooth when necessary!

Sunday 14 August 2016

Prep & P/1C Claydough Names

Year 2 Design Challenge

Grade 2B worked in groups and designed a Play Center, a Museum, a City and a Village using a variety of building materials. Some designers became frustrated when structures fell, but remembering our "beautiful oops" art room philosophy, they soon recovered, redesigned and rebuilt.

Years 3 & 4 Dot Printing in Earth-tone Colours

Year 1 Sponge Printing in Primary Colours

Monday 8 August 2016

Year 4 Stoneware Clay Textured Pinch Pot with Handle

These lovely pots are drying out for 2 weeks before baking in our kiln.

Year 2 Stoneware Clay Textured Pinch Pots

Students learned how to make a pinch pot and then used tools to add texture. These pots will dry out for 2 weeks before heading to the kiln.

Year 3 Stoneware Handmolded Clay Penguins

These penguins will spend 2 weeks drying out before going into the kiln. Here's hoping that the joins hold and their wings and feet stay attached!

Years 5 & 6 Cityscape Monoprint

Students first painted their background in a dye wash. The following week they painted their buildings on the top half of the paper and then folded it to achieve a print. It was a tricky process getting the paint at just the right consistency with the correct amount of water to achieve a print. Students persevered with wonderful results!