Wednesday 30 November 2016

Year 1 Butterfly Scratch Film

First students listened to Butterflies are Patient, an interesting book all about the life of a butterflies and different kinds of butterflies. Next they drew a plan for their butterfly picture to use when scratching their film paper. It's rainbow coloured paper with a black film on top. When you scratch this film off the top, the coloured paper underneath is revealed. Students used a wooden stylus to scratch their film.

Year 3 Fabric Collage

Year 3 - 6 Ojos de Dios

Students loved creating the traditional God's Eyes or, in Spanish, Ojos de Dios, and first learned its history. This craft originated with the Huichol indigenous people in western Mexico. The God's Eye is started the first year a baby is born and each year a new colour of yarn is added. It hangs over the child's bed and symbolises God's protective eye watching over the child.

Year Prep & 1 Rainbow Collage

Students listened to a song called Roy G. Biv by Greg Percy. Each letter of this name is the first letter of a colour of the rainbow. They drew their rainbow colours with oil pastels, and then cut their paper into strips with interesting lines. Lastly they arranged the strips in a puzzle-like collage.

Year Prep & Prep/1C Watercolour Fish

First we read part of a book on fish and discussed how fish breath. Next using oil pastel students learned via a guided lesson how to draw a simple fish. Lastly students used watercolour paint to bring their fish to life.

Year 5 Weaving Frame

Students were challenged with this project to create a weaving loom on a cardboard frame by threading yarn onto it, and then weaving fabric strips in a pattern. The frame was painted with a food dye wash. Fantastic work!

Year 3 Stretchy Tube Weaving Card

Year Prep & Year 1 Roy G. Biv Drawings

Students listened to a song called Roy G. Biv by Greg Percy. Each letter of this name is the first letter of a colour of the rainbow. Students drew a picture of what they thought Roy might look like!

Year 6 Monochrome Prints

Year 5 Weaving Plates

Year 2 Cityscape Fireworks Scratch Film Picture

Students drew up a plan before scratching their picture using a wooden stylus. To finish students framed their own picture on backing paper.

Year 5 Stitched Bookmarks